Use "moult|moulted|moulting|moults" in a sentence

1. These plates are not moulted; however, like all ecdysozoans, the barnacle itself will still moult its cuticle.

2. The coat is moulted just once a year.

3. No, he had been moulting, like a bird.

4. As they grow they moult several times.

5. A conceited crow decked herself with the moulted feathers of the handsome peacock.

6. Moulting usually takes place in the protected moist environment of their burrows.

7. One day she carried a tall moulting sunflower into the Staff Room.

8. Wouldn't it be all tight to moult tight here?

9. Survival and growth of Brachyuran crabs, particularly during moulting, is temperature dependent

10. Finches start to moult at around twelve weeks of age.

11. It feeds soon after each moult, which is essential for hardening the integument.

12. The course of the moult is modelled using a logistic regression analysis.

13. Analoga moult into the megalopae 130 days after hatching (Efford, 1970)

14. Rather than moulting their central tail feathers first, as most birds do, they retain these feathers until last.

15. In northern India, these begin to develop each February and are moulted at the end of August.

16. Tail feathers were moulted in sequence of 1-6-3-4-2-5 and showed a predominantly transilient alternation.

17. Mature Christmas Island red crabs probably moult only onceayear, as their growth rate slows.

18. Periodically, they moult their thin transparent skins, changing shape as they do so.

19. After marching over one or two barriers the hoppers absorb enough product to die while moulting.

20. Those of adults will be of various lengths and levels of wear, since each is moulted at a different time.

21. Eleven families of birds, including loons, grebes and most waterfowl, have this moult strategy.

22. More horses and suddenly we are in the middle of a herd of camels with moulting coats.

23. This fear was not groundless for he himself had really seen it happen to other moulting crabs.

24. Possibly they are birds which have failed to breed successfully and have assembled here to moult.

25. 13 The larva moults to give rise to the four-legged nymph, which, after five more days(, becomes the adult mite.

26. He was going to block up the mouth of the cave so that he could moult in secret.

27. By August the male will have begun to moult and will become almost indistinguishable from the female.

28. Her tameness drops away like a spring moult, and her primitive survival instincts supplant everything else.

29. The dragonfly nymphs may take up to 2 years before they moult into the adult form.

30. This gull takes three years to reach its breeding plumage; its appearance changes with each fall moult.

31. You should make moult treatment, especially for armpit so that the dress on the bride could show the brilliant effect.

32. You can not but feel that Aisling O'Sullivan, moulting magnificently like a sick eagle, is having a high old time.

33. 23 You can not but feel that Aisling O'Sullivan, moulting magnificently like a sick eagle,[] is having a high old time.

34. There they stay for about a fortnight until they have completed their first moult and can fend for themselves.

35. An old crab grew restless. Finding himself stiff all over, he knew it was time for him to moult his shell.

36. The female starts to moult her primaries before her mate inAccipiter nisus, Accipiter gentilis and apparently some other species.

37. Whipscorpions are also capable of regeneration: if they lose a leg, they grow another one after the next moult.

38. The Christmas Island red crabs moult their shells regularly during their early growth phases to match their increasing body size.

39. The external changes during growth are comparatively slight and consist mainly of an increase in size at each moult.

40. If an austerity diet is given at the wrong time the birds will not pick up enough for their nuptial moult and your breeding will suffer.

41. The have flower, leaf, red, far see as arrow such as moult, ... the root skin fleshy, categories, but centerless pulse darfur 30%-50%.

42. PWDs have a single-layered coat that does not shed (see Moult), and therefore their presence is tolerated well among many people who suffer from dog allergies.

43. They also moult more or less continuously from juvenile through to adult plumage, so can be very variable at any time "in between".

44. In the fall the loon (Colymbus glacialis) came, as usual, to moult and bathe in the pond, making the woods ring with his wild laughter before I had risen.

45. Anamorphosis or Anamorphogenesis refers to postembryonic development and moulting in Arthropoda that results in the addition of abdominal body segments, even after sexual maturity. An example of this occurs in proturans and millipedes

46. The catalytic oxidation ability of 13 metal ion-exchanged montmorillonites are investigated in oxidative removal of the sulfides which are the main pollutant in the moult and alkali swell waste water.

47. Ecoutons Robert Wace : Taillefer qui moult bien Cantoit Sur un roncin qui tost aloit Devant eux s'en aloit cantant De Carlemaigne et de Rolant Et d'Olivier et des vassaus Qui morurent en Rainscevaus

48. Also being readied for the modern locust fighter's armoury is a class of products known as Insect Growth Regulators, or IGRs, which influence the ability of hoppers to moult and grow properly.

49. Key management practices include egg addling (operational in the lower mainland of B.C. for over ten years), prevention of nesting, landscape management and relocation of moulting flocks to areas where they can be subjected to hunting mortality.

50. Key management practices include egg addling (operational in the lower mainland of B.C. for over 10 years), prevention of nesting, landscape management and relocation of moulting flocks to areas where they can be subjected to hunting mortality.

51. hunting regulations. Key management practices include egg addling (operational in the lower mainland of B.C. for over 10 years), prevention of nesting, landscape management and relocation of moulting flocks to areas where they can be subjected to hunting mortality.

52. Anamorphosis (anamorphic growth) A developmental phenomenon in some Protura and Chilopoda in which the young do not possess the full, adult complement of body segments and legs on hatching; these are developed successively in later stages, after moulting.

53. Orders Thysanura (the true Bristletails, with three bristles, including the silverfish) and Diplura (the two-pronged Bristletails), subclass Apterygota ‘Jumping Bristletails moult 8 to 10 times before reaching sexual maturity, which may take up to …

54. The approximately 180,000 birds of north-western Europe's shelduck population also spends their moulting season from July to September in the Wadden Sea, as do about 200,000 eider; and about 1,000 pairs of eiders use the mudflats of the North Sea as a breeding area.

55. (P.) walkerae, which were carried out under constant abiotic and biotic conditions, revealed distinct quantitative and species-dependent differences in the sucking behaviour of larvae, the moulting period of larvae and nymphs, and in the necessary number of postlarval stages for the development of adult ticks, as well as differences in the duration of the imaginal metamorphosis and the species-typical temporal and quantitative features for oviposition.